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A search for 'The Phantom' gave the following results:

61 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 61 matching titles
2 matches in labels:
  1. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (Sony Classical S2K 89460)
    Original Release Title: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition
    2 CD's.
  2. Stage Heroes: Colm Wilkinson (RCA Victor 74321-25856-2)
    Musical Highlights from:"Man Of La Mancha","Chess","West Side Story","Phantom Of The Opera","Les Misérables","South Pacific","Camelot","Porgy & Bess".

926 matches in tracks
  1. Phantom Walk (02:30)
    from Edgar Wallace
    Martin Böttcher - aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  2. The Wedding / The Intruder from Springwood / Christine's Decision / Mott Stalks the Phantom / Davis' Death / The Phantom's Fiery Death? (08:30)
    from Phantom Of The Opera
  3. Chasing the Phantom Train (03:55)
    from Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The
    episode: Indiana Jones and the Phantom Train of Doom (music Joel McNeely)
  4. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Schwarze Schaf, Das
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  5. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Er Kanns Nicht Lassen
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  6. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Max, Der Taschendieb
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  7. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Fälscher Von London, Der
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  8. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Schwarze Abt, Der
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  9. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Gasthaus An Der Themse, Das
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  10. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Phantom Von Soho, Das
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  11. Phantom-Blues (02:57)
    from Kriminalfilm-Musik
    aus "Das Phantom von Soho"
  12. The Phantom on Fire / The Phantom's Face (04:18)
    from Phantom Of The Opera
  13. The Phantom Train of Doom (08:07)
    from Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The
    episode: Indiana Jones and the Phantom Train of Doom (music Joel McNeely)
  14. Phantom of Love (Phantom of Love & Unforgettable Love) (05:00)
    from Fantasma D'Amore
  15. The Phantom (00:00)
    from Fantasma Dell' Opera, Il
  16. The Phantom (00:00)
    from Superrecord Of Superheroes, The
  17. Phantom (02:52)
    from No Pressure
  18. The Phantom (05:45)
    from Phantom, The
  19. The Phantom (05:39)
    from Phantom, The
  20. The Phantom * (03:05)
    from Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
Show all 926 matching tracks